INTRINSIC Entrepreneurial Mindset Monitoring App
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General background

To open the ‘black-box’ of entrepreneurial learning for teachers and course developers requires the collection of micro-level learning data which provides better insight in learning processes and the factors influencing those process. Therefore INTRINSIC developed a web-based/app-based tool.

The App has been developed using SIBERIAN CMS as a progressive web-app (PWA). SIBERIAN CMS is an open source solution for App development with configurable modules.

If you are interested in using the App, please send an email to the project coordinator at At it is also possible, that we host your own application, and you will get access to develop and manage your app then there. The activity is closely linked to the Entrepreneurial Mind-set Monitor (EMM) at Wageningen University.

You can also accesss the App and test it from here on a mobile device (but you will not get access to the data):

Details on the INTRINSIC Entrepreneurial Mindset Monitoring App

The purpose of this monitoring tool is to capture potential development of the (sustainable) entrepreneurial mind-set among participants (e.g. students), based on their effectual decision making process. The idea is based on the work of Saras Sarasvathy who showed different modes of decision making, which can be more or less entrepreneurial.

The idea behind this app-based tool is to probe participants frequently throughout their internship, traineeship, course, training or study program to get a grip on their changing mind-set. Frequently probing a limited set of questions/indicators provides facilitators, trainers or educators detailed information on the development of the entrepreneurial mind-set. Moreover, it provides real-time insights on critical moments and how participants deal with these moments and therefore is a concrete way to reflect on entrepreneurial decision making. 

Participants are asked to download the progressive web app and to report once or twice a month on a very limited set of questions which are very easy to answer. It will not take them more than 2 minutes to complete the monitor.

The first question is about recalling a challenging situation faced in the past and describe that situation in two key words. Subsequently 5 questions are asked about how the participant dealt with this situation. The logics are based on the work of Sarasvathy (Sarasvathy, 2001).

What is reported?
Participants will generate a unique code that they only know to ensure privacy. The information will be gathered and visualized in a graph that shows the development of their entrepreneurial mind-set. The participants will receive this graph after completing the monitor. This graph in turn will be the point of departure to discuss changes, critical moments or other noteworthy moments in the period probed. As the participant has connected key words to the challenging situations it will not be difficult to recall that particular moment. 

Sarasvathy, S. D. (2001). Causation and effectuation: Toward a theoretical shift from economic inevitability to entrepreneurial contingency. Academy of Management Review, 26(2), 243-263.