1st International Conference for Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education
(1st SustEntEd) & Final Multiplier Event of INTRINSIC
Blending the Three Colours of Sustainability, Entrepreneurship Education and Higher Education for Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education
was held ONLINE on
Thursday 25 and Friday 26 November 2021
Conference Information here...
At many Life Science universities the development of entrepreneurial competencies is currently not well integrated into the mainstream curriculum at the Bachelor and Master levels. The design of curricular interventions, teachers’ pedagogical methods and assessment criteria for the delivery of sustainable entrepreneurial teaching are underdeveloped.
As a result a significant latent potential of students’ entrepreneurial innate skills remains untapped. That is why INTRINSIC aims a the systematic integration of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education in Life Science curricula.

Supporting the development of the entrepreneurial potential of students is of special relevance to Life Science Universities whose priorities are for a “smart, sustainable and inclusive” development and utilisation of bio-renewable resources, the sustainable management of the natural resources, the need for food and nutritional security and safety, the enhancement of the economic viability of the food and non-food value chains, and the reduction of poverty – all necessary efforts in order to achieve the delivery of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
Therefore INTRINSIC aims to empower Life Science University teachers to develop their students' Sustainable Entrepreneurship Competencies so as to prepare their graduates to be being effective entrepreneurs and leaders to address the challenges of Europe`s future sustainable prosperity.

INTRINSIC will deliver five innovative intellectual outputs (O1 to O5) see also RESOURCES.

The project team consists of 9 partners working towards the establishment of sustainable enterpreneurship education at European Life Science Universities.
1. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, BOKU (Coordinator)
2. Agricultural University Athens, AUA
3. Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara a Banatului "Regele Mihai I al Romaniei" din Timisoara, BUAS
4. University of Ghent, UGent
5. University of Helsinki, UH
6. The Association for European Life Science Universities, ICA
7. University of Teramo, UNITE
8.Wageningen University, WU
9. University of Zagreb, UNIZG

Six transnational project meetings and one final international conference will be organized by INTRINSIC.
1. TPM 19-20.11.2018 Vienna, Kick-Off Meeting, organized by BOKU
2. TPM 16.05.-17.05.2019 Leuven, organized by WU
3. TPM 03.12.-5.12.2019 in Ghent, organized by UGent
4.TPM 20.-21.09.2021 ONLINE
5.TPM 27.-28.10.2021 ONLINE
6.TPM 22. & 24.11.2021 ONLINE
The final multiplier event took place on Thursday 25 and Friday 26 November 2021.
Transnational short term-joint staff training could not be implemented due to the COVIC-19 restrictions, instead workshops were offered at the final conference! Staff training will take place at individual partner level using the staff training course.

BAGGEN, Y (2019): Teaching value-creation: how to empower students to change the world? 15 and 16 May 2019, Leuven Institute for Ireland, Leuven, Belgium.
BAGGEN, Y & PLOUM L (2021): The entrepreneurial mindset; or should we say effectual mindset? 3E conference. 5.-7. May 2021.
PLOUM, L. , LANS T., ZITEK, A. (2019): Effectuation in Entrepreneurship Education: monitoring the entrepreneurial mind-set among university students. Working paper presented at: Effectuation Conference at ESCP in Berlin, 2019.
LANS, T. (2019): The student entrepreneur mindset monitoring App. Invited speak at the 8th University-Business Forum, 24.-25.10.2019, WORKSHOP 5.2: Nurturing entrepreneurial individuals.
LANS, T. (2019): Podcast on ˋSustainable Entrepreneurship Education’ at University of Teramo, Italy, one partner in the INTRINSIC project on 20.11.2019 - partly in Italian! More information can be found at the homepage of Wageningen University HERE.
LÄHTENÄNOJA, A. and ZITEK, A. (2021): Best Practices in Sustainable Entrepreneurship Teaching (IO5). Final Multiplier Event and 1st International Conference for Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education, 25.-26.11.2021, ONLINE.
SALTBOMMEL, V. (2021): Characteristics of the entrepreneurial mind-set of students and experienced entrepreneurs explained from a learning perspective. Thesis at the Wageningen University supervised by Yvette Baggen and Lisa Ploum using the Mindset Monitor, supported by Andreas Zitek (INTRINSIC).
ZITEK, A. (2019): ERASMUS + INTRINSIC Project: Innovative Education for Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Life Sciences. ICA-Edu Colloquium 2018: Let the entrepreneurial genie out of the bottle! how will we stimulate the nascent entrepreneurial skills of our students? 15 and 16 May 2019, Leuven Institute for Ireland, Leuven, Belgium.