INTRINSIC Teaching Model
The INTRINSIC Sustainable Entrepreneurship Teaching Model
You could either follow the stepwise approach below, or quickly move to the circular teaching model of INTRINSIC without further explanation!
Link to the circular INTRINSIC Teaching Model
1. In a first step you are invited to reflect on your own authentic philosophical disposition to teaching and develop your own Sustainable Entrepreneurship Teaching Manifesto (inspired by Colin Jones’ book: How to Teach Entrepreneurship)…in the form of:
- “I believe that …e.g. every human should live up to its own full potential …”,
- “Therefore, I include self-reflection as core element in my teaching…”(you find more examples on some syllogisms on the Teaching Manifesto page).
- You are also invited, to reflect on the SDGs and sustainable entrepreneurship skills most relevant for you.
- Finally you can print your Sustainable Entrepreneurship Teaching Manifesto as a pdf.
continue to INTRINSIC Sustainable Entrepreneurship Teaching Manifesto - When you have reflected on your own personal and authentic disposition to teaching, based on the reflection on your own motivations, you can now make a much better use of the Teaching Activities that INTRINSIC is offering in its Teaching Design Tool.
2. In a second step, and as a starting point for involving your students in sustainable entrepreneurship, you could use our
- Sustainable Entrepreneurship Learning Manifesto Tool, where students are asked to reflect on the sustainable change they would like to bring to world in the given domain. Students can use the tool individually or as a team, and can print the result as a pdf. This step is meant to give students the opportunity to reflect on their own interests and bring in their own perspective.
continue to INTRINSIC Sustainable Entrepreneurship Learning Manifesto
3. If you would like to get an initial idea on the entrepreneurial aspirations of your students, in a third step
- you can copy and use our sustainable entrepreneurship student scan! This might help you to decide, which activities you could select and apply in your class!
Copy the sustainable entrepreneurship student scan as a Google form
4. In the fourth step, when you have reflected on your own personal and authentic disposition to teaching, and got an initial insight in your students` entrepreneurial aspirations,
- you can now make a much better use of the Teaching Activities that INTRINSIC is offering in its Teaching Design Tool.
- You can filter for activities according to different defined categories, or you can use a full text search if you are interested in a specific element.
Continue to INTRINSIC Sustainable Entrepreneurship Teaching Design Tool
5. After the teaching activity,
- you can re-apply the sustainable entrepreneurship student scan! This might help you to evaluate, if the students have changed their minde-sets! Alternatively you could run the INTRINSIC Mindset Monitor to understand changes in student mindsets.
Copy the sustainable entrepreneurship student scan as a Google form
Use the INTRINSIC Mindset Monitor
6. Sixth, our INTRINSIC Life Science Sustainable Action Tracking Tool allows either
- for usage within your courses (you could ask your students to contact sustainable entrepreneurs, and use the tools to reflect on their entrepreneurial journey),
- or you can invite Alumni of your University to document their sustainable entrepreneurial activities (which could be innovations, ideas for innovations, projects, products, services or a start-up for providing these).
By collecting this information, inspiring examples to be used in lectures and courses will be available, and also the efficiency and validity of INTRINSIC’s teaching approach to sustainable entrepreneurship will be made visible, and could be improved by the given feedback.
continue to the INTRINSIC Life Science Sustainable Entrepreneurship Action Tracking Tool
7. The INTRINSIC Life Science Sustainable Entrepreneurship Action Cases are provided as
- a searchable data-base and can be used as inspiring examples by Life Science teachers who want to include aspects of sustainable entrepreneurship in their teaching.
continue to the INTRINSIC Life Science Sustainable Entrepreneurship Action Cases
Optional: As we are interested in learning about the entrepreneurial mindset of higher education teachers across European Life Science Universities,
- we also provide an (anonymous) self evaluation form on the preparedness of Life Science Teachers for sustainable entrepreneurship education. You can also opt for receiving an E-mail with your selections!
continue to the INTRINSIC higher education teacher self evaluation on Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education